Monday, February 23, 2009

Sweet Wine

I know I’ve been away for the last couple of days, but I have a very good excuse for that: I was on a five days road trip with my FH visiting family.

We left on Wed. to North Carolina for two nights, then we spent two other nights in Virginia and on the way back home, a quick four hours tour in DC. How fun….

One of the highlights of the trip was a vineyard / winery we visited at Yadkin Valley - NC.

The whole combination of chilly weather, great wine and beautiful views made me wonder what a wedding in such location would look like.

If you have this theme in mind, here are some inspirations.
Where else would be more romantic than a vineyard for tying the knot?

Image credit:
1-2. blue lotus photography; 3. 1000 words photography; 4.Agnes Lopez; 5-7. lisa leigh; 8. dierdre-and-jay

1 comment:

  1. I love winery weddings. Unfortunately (at least for the wineries near here), they're often SO expesive! But they definitely have lovely scenery and make for good pictures.
